Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Laminim: The glue that holds our cells together...

Maybe I am the last one to know about this, but I'm so excited, I really must share!

The scientific cell adhesion protein molecule “laminin” is the “glue” that holds the cells together in our bodies.

The molecule that holds our bodies together is in the shape of the cross!

Colossians 1:17 “He (Christ) is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.”

I fall deeper in love with Jesus, THE Divine Being every single day. His layers are unending and they get sweeter and sweeter as you get closer to the core!


Monday, March 15, 2010

My Parisian Makeover

I just returned from a creative trip to Paris where I spent 24-7 with a makeup artist and two hair stylists. Since being back, people keep commenting on my "Parisian Makeover." It's true, they parted my hair down the side rather than the middle, inspired me to wear more makeup and encouraged me to dress up more often. However, that is only the exterior makeover that was done.

From what I've heard, women traveling with other women can be a bit scary. My friends who have traveled together typically come home with horror stories about each other and how they would never travel with that person again.

I feel the opposite. Traveling with my good friend was like holding up a mirror to myself and seeing things for what they were. It was painful. It was incredibly unpleasant and at times I thought to myself, "I am never traveling with a girlfriend again." However, upon closer inspection, the Lord was using my friendship with her to reveal things to me that He wanted to expose, extricate, soften and heal.

I am going to do the hard thing and list these things, only because it is fun for me-these are things that the Lord will need to work out in me. It is not daunting or stressful, He will do this in His time. He is giving me a makeover and he's the expert so I am just going to choose to sit in His chair and close my eyes as he softly applies more of Himself.

1. The way I share my opinions about art, food, architecture, movies, books, music, etc...is extremely harsh usually using words like, "hate, eye-sore, disgusting, ridiculous, I can't stand, horrible, terrible, stupid, etc..." In this I run the risk of hurting the feelings of others who happen to like those things. I know this to be true because I have heard this from my sister Gretchen but just assumed she was too sensitive. Now I know this is something that the Lord needs to soften in me.

2. When someone attacks my character, I need to be very careful not to attack back. Within that attack I will say things I regret. Even though it's hard, hold your tongue. Wait until you've had the chance to settle, cool down and prayerfully consider your response. I learned this the hard way!

3. Don't cut people off! Let them finish their thought...I know I do this to my husband all of the time. He hates it!

4. Stop judging people's hearts and give them the benefit of the doubt!!

The Lord revealed to me on this trip just how much and how often I was getting offended by people based on my own judgments. I am trusting Him to give me a new grace and mercy for my close friends and family and to assume the best about them.

As you get closer to certain people it becomes easier to see their flaws. That is when friendships get hard. What I learned this week in Paris is that if you are honest with yourself and honest with others, you can learn some things about yourself and your friendships can really grow.

On the other side of the pain of confrontation, is a deeper, richer friendship and a personal makeover that makes you look a bit more like the makeup artist Himself.


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My Weeping Willow

I've been in Paris for four days on an "extended creative trip." I've been shooting as much as possible and trying to stay inspired. I am here with three other women, all Canadian, one of them is one of my closest friends.

As you know, finding alone time, quiet time, can be so hard when you're away from home. After traveling and running around the city for three days, my heart desperately needed to feel connected to God.

I woke up at 7am before anyone else, put on my running shoes, and ran along the Seine River, all the while listening to praise and worship. Just as I was getting tired and ready to stop, I came to the end of the pier. I just about dropped to the ground in adoration. What stood proudly in front of me, in all it's glory, glistening in the glow of the golden sunrise , was the most beautiful weeping willow tree.

I felt as though the Lord had met me with romance. He knows how special the Weeping Willow tree is to me. He, like no one else, knows my deepest desires, tastes, preferences, and needs.

It was like a romantic kiss from the Lord at the end of my time of worship. I was so glad that I had gotten up with the sun.

So often sleep sacrificed leads to bountiful blessing.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Skin on Jesus

Lord, I am not yet what I want to be...like you in every way...yet I know that You are using me inspite of myself. Thank you for Your words of advice to me..."Connected to the Father, Sactified by the Son."...to remind me that my ministry is only in You...for apart from you I can do no good thing...and that my sanctification is in what Jesus Christ did on the cross...it's not in the good choices that I make...or the way I speak to people...or the wise words I use...or how easily I forgive...my sanctification happened once and for all...my value is not found in what I can do...but in who You are...and in who I am in You.

That takes the pressure off.

Help me to remember that when I stumble...or when I'm impatient...or when I say too much...or drink too much...or spend too much...don't give enough...or love enough...or look to You enough...

YOU are YOU no matter what I do.

I love you and want desperately to be more like You.

Thank You for Your grace and for the way you gently, quietly, patiently teach me.


Monday, March 1, 2010

Luke 6:45

"...out of the abundance of the heart, his mouth speaks."

The last three years of my life have been devoted to learning how to be silent.

I could keep it clamped even more...

I love people who speak slowly and really think about things before they say them.

I'm not there yet, but I am amazed at how things have changed.

Valentine's Day quote from my husband, "I really like the way you handle things."

THAT is nothing short of God's miraculous work in my life!

Lord Jesus, please make me more like you. I want to know the deep secrets of Your character and I want to represent you well...my Rabbi...